

how space can be used as a context for teaching many subjects (sciences, geography, english)

    1. Developing teaching sequences for sciences, geography and English language teachers on the subject of life onboard the International Space Station, to be used on a modern and attractive media i.e. e-books to be read on tablets. Getting – for the teachers and the students involved - the necessary technical know-how that can, later on, be used in any subject or educational field.

    2. Making these teaching sequences available to the European teaching community (in the English language)

The Comenius project for 2013-2015

Practical work (eBook & others files)

Documentation about ISS (tools, iApps,...)

Students production during the last meeting

at Zwolle

Each student worked in pair with a foreign partner for a day and a half. They had previously chosen a topic related to ESA and the ISS and the aim was to build an ebook with information, pictures, videos, and interactive resources and exercises. After that, they had to give a short presentation of their work to all the students and teachers. Here are the ebooks they created.

Students team & teachers team at Zwolle meeting